Thursday, February 27, 2014

Useful Sindarin Phrase

Note: I am going to divide these into sections, henceforth, I would have Questions marked one, and that would be the list of questions, and another marked Insults, and that would be all the insults, and so on and so forth. I have the pronunciations and and what the words translated into English mean, but the pronunciations may not all be completely 100% accurate, so if you feel better about it, you can always look it up on Google.
Also, I would advise that you read the pronunciation guide on here (or another) before quoting these to anyone, because though I have put up pronunciations, there are some sounds I can't make with just one or two words, if you follow me.


Hello: Ae (I)

I greet you: Gi suil (Ge soo-eel)

Greetings: Suilon (Soo-ee-lohn)

Well met, my friend/friends!: Mae g'ovannen, mellon/mellyn nin! (Mye go-van-nen, mel-lohn/mel-lyn neen)

I am happy to meet you: Ni veen an go ngovaned (Nee vehr-ehn an go ngoh-van-ehd)

Welcome: Mae tollen (Mye toh-lehn)

Welcome home: Mae tollen na mar (Mye toh-lehn nah mar)

Welcome back: Mae athollen (Mye ah-thoh-lehn)


Please?: An ngell nin? (An ngehl neen)

Do you promise?: Gwestog? (Gway-stohg)

How are you?: Maenen le? (Min-ehn le)

Do you speak Elvish?: Pedig edhellen (Peh-dig eh-theh-lehn)

Where are we going?: Mas ledhiam? (Mahs leth-ee-am)

Where are you going?: Mas ladhiach? (Mahs lah-th-ee-ahch)

What do you see?: Man cenich? (Mahn kehn-eeck)

What did you see?: Man cennich? (Mahn kehn-neeck)

What did  you say?: Man pennich? (Mahn pehn-neeck)

May we speak as friends now?: Peditham hi sui vellyn (Pay-deeth-am)

How are you?: Maenen le?: (My-nehn lay)

Where are we?: Mi van me?: (Mee van may)

Is it done?: I dass carnen? (Ee dass car-nehn)

Is it necessary?: Boe? (Boy)

Is there trouble?: Prestad? (Pray-stad)

What are you doing?: Man cerig? (Man care-eeg)

What did you do?: Man agoral (Man ah-gor-al)

With what?: A van? (Ah van)

Which one?: Man pen? (Man pehn)

Why not?: Avo garo am man theled? (Ah-vo gar-oh am man thay-lehd)

What?: Man? (Mahn)

How?: Manen? (Mah-nehn)

Who?: Ma? (Mah)

When?: Mar? (Mar)

When?: Na van (Nah van)

Why?: Am man? (Am man)’


My heart is joyous: Guren glassui:

May the Christmas days be joyful!: Na merye I turuhalmeril (Nah meh-rye I too-roo-hall-meh-ril)

May the new year be blessed: Idhrin-eden ‘elirl

Happy birthday!: Aur onnad meren! (Owr ohn-nahd meh-rehn)

Behold!: Alae! (Ah-lie)

Beware!: No dirweg! (No deer-wehg)

Flee!: Drego! (Dray-go)

Yes: La (Lah)

No: U (Oo)

Run!: Noro! (Nor-ro)

Stop/Halt!: Daro! (Dah-ro)

Go away!: Ego! (Ay-go)

Wake up: Echuio (Ech-oo-ee-o)

Let's go: Gwaem: (Gwime)

Come with me: Tolo ar nin (To-lo are neen)

Save me: Edraith enni (Ed-rythe en-nee)

Release me: Leithio nin (Lay-ee-thee-o neen)

Don't be afraid: Av- 'osto (Ahv oh-sto)

I love you: Le mellin (Lay may-leen)

You're welcome: Glassen (Glas-sehn)

Good luck: Galu (Gah-loo)

I'm cold: Im ring (Eem ring)

I'm hot: Im urui  (Eem oo-roo-ee)

I'm sick: Im caeleb (Eem cy-leb)

I'm fine/good/well: Im maer (Ee myre)

I'm sorry: Im Naethen (Eem nay-thehn)

Forgive me: Goheno nin (Go-hehn-oh neen)

I understand: Henion (Heh-nee-ohn)

I don't understand: U-chenion (Oo-chehn-I-ohn)

I speak elvish: Pedin edhellen (Peh-deen eh-theh-lehn)

I am here: Amin hi (Ay-meen hee)

I won’t: Avon (Av-ohn)

I don’t know: U-iston (Oo-ee-stone)

I am ____: Im ____ (Eem (Instert name))


You smell like a monster: Sevig thu-uan (Say-veeg thoo-oo-an)

Your head is empty: Dol gin lost (Dole geen loste)

Evil fate!: Amartha faeg! (Ah-mar-tha fyge)

Curses!: Raich! (Riche)

Idiot!: Pe-channas! (Pay chan-nas)

Go kiss an orc!: Ego mibo orch! (Ay-go mee-bo orch)

Cowardly dog!: Hû úgaun! (Hoo oo-gown)

You smell like an orc!: Gerich thû sui orch! (Gare-eech thoo soo-ee orch)

I hate you!: Gen ú-velin! (Gayn oo-vay-leen)

A big wind pours from your mouth: Súlon gwanna nîf gín  (Soo-lohn gwah-nah neef geen)

Son of snakes!: Lýgion! (Ly-ge-ohn)

You disgust me!: Gen fuion! (Gayn foo-ee-ohn)

Go make love to an orc: Ego besto orch (Ay-go bay-sto orch)

You’re ugly and your mother dresses you: Thiach uanui a naneth gín gen hamma (Thee-ach oo-an-oo-ee)

You are stupid: Ce uchand (Kay oo-chand)

Orc lover!: Orvelethron/orvelethril! 

You look hideous!: Thiach uanui! (Thee-ach oo-an-oo-ee)

You smell like ten orcs!: Nostach be orch gaer! (No-stach bay orch gire)

Go jump in Mount Doom!: Labo vi Orodruin (Lah-bo vee Or-oh-droo-een)

Listen to my laughter!: Lasto lalaith nîn! (Lah-sto lah-lythe Neen)

I hope the Ents eat you!: Harthon in enyd gen medir! (Har-thohn een en-id gayn may-deer)

I want to hurl you into the Fires of Mount Doom!: Aníron gen haded min noer Orodruin! (An-eer-ohn had-ded meen no-air Or-oh-droo-een)

I'm going to hurl you into the fires of Mt. Doom! ~ Gen hedithon min noer Orodruin! (Gayn hed-ee-thohn meen no-air Or-oh-droo-een)

I can say what I wish, and you won’t understand me: Pedin i phith in aniron, a nin u-cheniathog (Pay-deen ee pheethe an-eer-ohn, ah been oo-chehn-ee-ah-thohg)

I can say what I wish, and y’all won’t understand me: Pedin i pith in aniron, a nin u-cheniathagir (Oo-chen-ee-ahth-ah-geer)

Get a life!: Hriah Cuile! (H-rya coo-eel)

You have the hollow head of an orc!: Garich i dhol goll o Orch (Gah-rich  ee thohl gohl oh orch)

Thank You-s:

I am glad. Thank you: Ni lassui (Nee las-soo-ee)

Thank you from my heart: Guren glassui (Gur-ren glas-soo-ee)

Thank you: Hannon le (Han-nohn lay)

I thank you: Hantanyel (Hahn-tahn-oo-ell)


Alas!: Nae! (Nye)

Eek!: Ai! (I)

Ouch!: Nidho (Nee-tho)

Wow!: Elo! (Eh-lo)


Farewell: Novaer (No-vire)

Good day/evening/night: Aur/aduial/fuin vaer (Aur: Owr; aduial: Ah-doo-i-ahl) 

Rest well: Hodo vae (Hoh-doh vie)

Sleep well: Losto vae (Loh-stoh vie)

Sweet dreams: Elei velui (Eh-lay vehl-oo-ee)

May you dream well tonight: Oltho vae ne fuin hen (Ohl-thoh vie nay foo-een hehn)

Goodbye/Good luck: Galu (Gah-loo)

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